tRNA gene List

Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207)

HIT: 17 sequence(s).

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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
>SRA1016560 SRR027217.1457 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016561 SRR027217.1650 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016562 SRR027217.1684 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 151 227 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016563 SRR027217.1758 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016564 SRR027217.1931 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 142 218 + Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1016565 SRR027217.1945 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 154 230 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016566 SRR027217.2080 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 151 227 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016567 SRR027217.2229 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016568 SRR027217.2360 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 153 229 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016569 SRR027217.2494 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016570 SRR027217.2511 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016571 SRR027217.2533 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 153 229 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016572 SRR027217.2626 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016573 SRR027217.2669 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016574 SRR027217.2805 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016558 SRR027217.409 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1016559 SRR027217.884 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207) 152 228 + Pro TGG [SRA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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