tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

Oral TM7a microbial communities of Human

Anticodon = GGA

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.45665 (6 seq.)
>w027323 ABBX01000021 Unclassified candidate division TM7 single-cell isolate TM7c TM7 isolate TM7c [ABBX] 1940 2031 + Ser GGA [ENA] ¡û
>w027284 ABBV01000872 Unclassified candidate division TM7 single-cell isolate TM7a TM7 isolate TM7a [ABBV] 2875 2784 - Ser GGA [ENA] ¡û
>WENV181002007 ODVX01000002 [ODVX] human metagenome; G_DNA_Supragingival plaque 360398 360487 + Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV181145825 OEHQ01000113 [OEHQ] human metagenome; G_DNA_Supragingival plaque 16866 16955 + Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV080295 ABBV01000872 Oral TM7a microbial communities of Human 2875 2784 - Ser GGA [ENA]
>WENV080334 ABBX01000021 Oral TM7c microbial communities of Human 1940 2031 + Ser GGA [ENA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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