Sample source List

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SRA (87) Identical Group   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001803)   (1) Identical Group(26)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001804)   (1) Identical Group(933)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001805)   (1) Identical Group(68)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001806)   (1) Identical Group(13)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001807)   (1) Identical Group(48)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001808)   (1) Identical Group(55)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001809)   (1) Identical Group(96)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001810)   (1) Identical Group(75)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001811)   (1) Identical Group(936)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001812)   (1) Identical Group(32)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001813)   (1) Identical Group(11)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001814)   (1) Identical Group(126)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001815)   (1) Identical Group(9)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001816)   (1) Identical Group(18)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001817)   (1) Identical Group(25)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001819)   (1) Identical Group(219)   
 454 Sequencing (SRP001820)   (1) Identical Group(146)   
 Analysis of diversity of coastal microbial mats using 454 technology (SRP001219)   (1) Identical Group(2)   
 Bacterial carbon processing by generalist species in the coastal ocean. (SRP000056)   (1) Identical Group(16)   
 Brazos-Trinity Basin Sediment Metagenome: IODP Site 1320 (SRP001095)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Community Structure of Bacteria and Archaea in the Arctic Ocean in Summer and Winter (SRP001208)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Community proteogenomics reveals insights into the physiology of phyllosphere bacteria (SRP001120)   (1) Identical Group(336)   
 Coral Stressors, microbial fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a nutrient stressor experiment (SRP000176)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, microbial fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a temperature stressor experiment (SRP000173)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; Hawai'i Marine Laboratory Refuge Point Reef Corals (SRP000165)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a dissolved organic carbon (DOC) stressor experiment (SRP000168)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a nutrient stressor experiment (SRP000170)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a reduced pH stressor experiment (SRP000169)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Coral Stressors, viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; an aquarium control experiment (SRP000166)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Coral Stressors,viral fraction from whole Porites compressa tissue extracts; a temperature stressor experiment (SRP000167)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Corals, microbial fraction from Porites astreoides tissues (SRP000144)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Diversity and structure of the microbial community in tropical coral reef sediments (SRP001221)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Diversity of active microbial communities in surface seawaters along a north-south transect in the South Pacific Ocean (SRP001207)   (1) Identical Group(16)   
 High saltern (Pond 5) microbes attempt 1 (SRP001107)   (1) Identical Group(7)   
 Investigation of prokaryote diversity in the sub-seafloor biosphere by 16S rRNA gene tag (V6) sequencing (SRP001218)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Line Islands Corals microbial fraction from water of Fanning (SRP000142)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Line Islands Corals viral fraction from water of Fanning (SRP000143)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Line Islands Corals, microbial fraction from water of Palmyra (SRP000140)   (1) Identical Group(2)   
 Line Islands Corals, microbial fraction of Christmas Atoll (SRP000133)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Line Islands Corals, microbial fraction of Kingman Atoll (SRP000131)   (1) Identical Group(5)   
 Line Islands Corals, viral fraction from water of Palmyra (SRP000141)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Line Islands Corals, viral fraction of Christmas Atoll (SRP000134)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Line Islands Corals, viral fraction of Kingman Atoll (SRP000132)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Marine Viruses from Arctic Ocean (SRP000129)   (1) Identical Group(16)   
 Marine Viruses from Sargasso Sea (SRP000130)   (1) Identical Group(2)   
 Metagenomic analysis of deep-sea hydrothermal vent prokaryotes (SRP000749)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Metagenomic analysis of viruses in reclaimed water (SRP000673)   (1) Identical Group(67)   
 Metagenomic characterization of a wastewater treatment plant (SRP000180)   (1) Identical Group(63)   
 Metagenomic diagnosis of bacterial infections (SRP000222)   (1) Identical Group(23)   
 Metagenomic signatures of the Peru Margin subseafloor biosphere (SRP000183)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Microbial Census of Marine Methane Seeps: Initial Results (SRP001268)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Microbial community gene content and expression in the Central North Pacific Gyre, Station ALOHA, HOT186 (SRP001041)   (1) Identical Group(609)   
 Noise and the accurate determination of microbial diversity from 454 pyrosequencing data (SRP000570)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Planktonic microbial communities from Sargasso Sea, BATS Station (SRP001048)   (1) Identical Group(7)   
 Pru Toh Daeng peat swamp (SRP001114)   (1) Identical Group(10)   
 Response of bacterial communities to in situ carbon pulse label experiments at the Abyssal Seafloor (SRP001228)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Solar Salterns, microbial fraction from low salinity saltern in San Diego, CA (SRP000138)   (1) Identical Group(18)   
 Solar Salterns, microbial fraction from medium salinity saltern in San Diego, CA (SRP000147)   (1) Identical Group(3)   
 Solar Salterns, microbial fraction from medium salinity saltern in San Diego, CA (SRP000148)   (1) Identical Group(2)   
 Solar Salterns, viral fraction from low salinity saltern in San Diego, CA (SRP000145)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Solar Salterns, viral fraction from medium salinity saltern in San Diego, CA (SRP000146)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Stromatolites, microbial fraction from Highborne Cay microbiolite in the Bahamas (SRP000150)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Stromatolites, microbial fraction from Pozas Azules II stromatolite in Mexico (SRP000151)   (1) Identical Group(5)   
 Stromatolites, microbial fraction from Rios Mesquites microbiolite in Cuatro Cienagas, Mexico (SRP000135)   (1) Identical Group(1)   
 Stromatolites, viral fraction from Pozas Azules microbiolite in Cuatro Cienagas, Mexico (SRP000136)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Stromatolites, viral fraction from Rios Mesquites microbiolite in Cuatro Cienagas, Mexico (SRP000137)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Synechococcus metagenome reveals major roles for horizontal gene transfer and plasmids in population diversity (SRP000219)   (1) Identical Group(26)   
 Tampa Bay phage from induction experiment (SRP001112)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 The Glacier Ice Metagenome Of The Northern Schneeferner (SRP000240)   (1) Identical Group(151)   
 The LACAr cooperative project: microbial diversity in coastal systems along a latitudinal gradient from South Atlantic to the Caribbean (SRP001244)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153)   (1) Identical Group(4)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000154)   (1) Identical Group(4)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from prebead pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA) (SRP000162)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000155)   (1) Identical Group(8)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156)   (1) Identical Group(5)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from tilapia pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA) (SRP000152)   (1) Identical Group(11)   
 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from tilapia pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton See, CA) (SRP000161)   (1) Identical Group(3)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA, fish were sick at time of sampling) (SRP000158)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral fraction from prebead pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA) (SRP000164)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000159)   (1) Identical Group(2)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000160)   (1) Identical Group(3)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral fraction from tilapia pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA) (SRP000139)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Tilapia Farm, viral fraction from tilapia pond at Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA) (SRP000163)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 Viral metagenome of the Antarctic Lake Limnopolar in spring and summer? (SRP000593)   (1) Identical Group(0)   
 metagenomic water samples (SRP000427)   (1) Identical Group(189)