tRNA gene List

[AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment

HIT: 95 sequence(s).

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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
>WENV170014496 AYRG01003268 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 8 82 + Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014464 AYRG01000852 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 8 84 + Arg CCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014470 AYRG01001050 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 30 114 + Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014430 AYRG01000063 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 69 145 + Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014505 AYRG01004677 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 75 1 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014450 AYRG01000277 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 76 1 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014502 AYRG01004415 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 76 147 + Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014507 AYRG01005179 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 78 151 + Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014494 AYRG01003244 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 85 11 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014513 AYRG01005558 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 94 164 + Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014455 AYRG01000575 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 95 179 + Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014482 AYRG01002040 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 123 198 + Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014512 AYRG01005516 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 137 65 - Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014483 AYRG01002309 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 140 216 + Ile GAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014497 AYRG01004225 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 141 217 + Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014469 AYRG01000954 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 143 67 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014423 AYRG01000017 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 143 68 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014510 AYRG01005331 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 154 81 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014503 AYRG01004415 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 156 227 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014480 AYRG01001882 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 158 234 + Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014467 AYRG01000932 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 158 245 + Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014511 AYRG01005487 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 162 88 - Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014439 AYRG01000115 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 166 240 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014445 AYRG01000141 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 176 86 - Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014438 AYRG01000088 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 176 86 - Ser GCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014493 AYRG01002914 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 185 109 - Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014463 AYRG01000803 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 185 110 - Ala GGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014508 AYRG01005260 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 188 112 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014495 AYRG01003258 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 193 268 + Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014501 AYRG01004308 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 216 140 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014468 AYRG01000954 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 220 145 - Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014492 AYRG01002732 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 223 148 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014499 AYRG01004232 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 231 156 - Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014476 AYRG01001456 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 244 160 - Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014484 AYRG01002309 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 253 328 + Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014509 AYRG01005331 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 255 183 - Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014472 AYRG01001211 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 255 330 + Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014506 AYRG01004932 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 295 210 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014504 AYRG01004445 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 307 233 - Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014491 AYRG01002732 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 316 243 - Gly TCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014500 AYRG01004308 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 317 242 - Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014444 AYRG01000141 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 320 233 - Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014498 AYRG01004232 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 342 266 - Ile GAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014477 AYRG01001643 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 364 288 - Arg CCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014490 AYRG01002732 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 420 336 - Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014485 AYRG01002424 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 496 410 - Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014447 AYRG01000173 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 605 680 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014488 AYRG01002558 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 696 612 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014489 AYRG01002634 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 813 889 + Ile GAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014487 AYRG01002558 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 821 746 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014479 AYRG01001804 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 854 779 - Phe GAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014486 AYRG01002453 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 858 785 - Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014473 AYRG01001301 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 872 796 - Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014481 AYRG01002036 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 921 832 - Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014461 AYRG01000776 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1080 1155 + Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014478 AYRG01001795 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1271 1344 + Pro CGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014465 AYRG01000869 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1397 1473 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014449 AYRG01000205 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1748 1833 + Leu AAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014440 AYRG01000115 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1783 1858 + Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014422 AYRG01000010 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1800 1876 + Arg TCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014475 AYRG01001355 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1844 1920 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014474 AYRG01001314 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 1943 2024 + Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014458 AYRG01000613 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 2036 2112 + Arg CCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014431 AYRG01000066 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 2052 2126 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014471 AYRG01001181 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 2211 2136 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014462 AYRG01000781 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 2213 2300 + Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014466 AYRG01000926 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 2843 2757 - Leu CAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014433 AYRG01000072 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 3575 3501 - Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014452 AYRG01000372 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 4152 4077 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014460 AYRG01000616 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 4184 4110 - Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014459 AYRG01000616 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 4320 4232 - Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014457 AYRG01000592 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 4467 4393 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014456 AYRG01000592 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 4557 4482 - Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014454 AYRG01000503 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 5401 5325 - Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014453 AYRG01000376 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 5544 5460 - Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014432 AYRG01000072 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 5910 5834 - Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014451 AYRG01000360 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 5949 6025 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014441 AYRG01000120 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 8788 8699 - Ser CGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014448 AYRG01000185 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 11812 11725 - Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014429 AYRG01000047 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 12231 12156 - Arg CCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014446 AYRG01000171 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 14127 14052 - Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014428 AYRG01000043 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 18418 18334 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014427 AYRG01000041 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 20273 20201 - Thr CGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014442 AYRG01000129 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 20543 20633 + Ser GCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014443 AYRG01000129 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 20664 20740 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014437 AYRG01000076 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 31223 31139 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014436 AYRG01000076 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 31348 31272 - Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014435 AYRG01000076 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 31434 31358 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014434 AYRG01000076 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 31538 31461 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014426 AYRG01000040 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 31551 31478 - Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014425 AYRG01000026 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 36265 36340 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014424 AYRG01000023 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 37003 36919 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014419 AYRG01000003 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 72484 72409 - Arg TCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014421 AYRG01000005 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 93347 93272 - Ala GGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170014420 AYRG01000004 [AYRG] bioreactor metagenome; day 33 sample from continuous culture bioreactor with low C:N ratio inoculated with sediment 100062 99986 - Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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