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[AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port

HIT: 145 sequence(s).

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>WENV170015515 AZIH01002337 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 77 3 - Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015615 AZIH01011781 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 78 2 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015628 AZIH01012673 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 78 2 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015623 AZIH01012190 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 86 1 - Leu CAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015524 AZIH01002893 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 89 173 + Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015616 AZIH01011787 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 96 22 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015491 AZIH01000510 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 96 172 + Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015606 AZIH01010916 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 117 192 + Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015599 AZIH01009304 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 119 195 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015495 AZIH01000734 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 156 80 - Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015591 AZIH01008181 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 174 261 + Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015612 AZIH01011286 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 183 99 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015562 AZIH01005104 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 207 133 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015596 AZIH01008978 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 213 137 - Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015530 AZIH01003071 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 247 171 - Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015576 AZIH01005564 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 248 173 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015552 AZIH01004579 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 252 177 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015585 AZIH01006800 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 252 328 + Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015614 AZIH01011490 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 255 172 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015540 AZIH01003577 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 256 181 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015600 AZIH01009696 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 258 183 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015492 AZIH01000510 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 280 361 + Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015561 AZIH01005104 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 288 214 - Gly TCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015601 AZIH01010203 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 301 377 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015593 AZIH01008856 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 306 219 - Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015541 AZIH01003609 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 309 384 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015575 AZIH01005546 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 309 384 + Ala GGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015604 AZIH01010624 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 311 225 - Leu CAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015625 AZIH01012421 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 312 385 + Gly CCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015542 AZIH01003659 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 315 239 - Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015498 AZIH01001364 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 350 274 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015529 AZIH01003071 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 354 278 - Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015551 AZIH01004470 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 383 309 - Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015560 AZIH01005104 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 392 309 - Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015550 AZIH01004369 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 397 322 - Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015590 AZIH01007590 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 406 482 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015499 AZIH01001415 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 411 487 + Ile GAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015565 AZIH01005259 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 413 487 + Val CAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015493 AZIH01000510 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 416 491 + Gly TCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015497 AZIH01001364 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 438 363 - Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015528 AZIH01003071 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 455 366 - Ser GCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015598 AZIH01009299 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 464 554 + Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015509 AZIH01001793 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 465 381 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015559 AZIH01005104 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 488 413 - Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015613 AZIH01011485 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 498 581 + Tyr GTA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015494 AZIH01000510 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 501 575 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015500 AZIH01001415 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 513 588 + Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015490 AZIH01000462 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 539 464 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015617 AZIH01011838 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 541 625 + Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015618 AZIH01011920 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 543 619 + Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015508 AZIH01001793 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 620 545 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015619 AZIH01011974 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 645 718 + Gly TCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015489 AZIH01000462 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 652 568 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015510 AZIH01001814 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 697 773 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015553 AZIH01004615 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 718 794 + Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015488 AZIH01000462 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 744 669 - His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015507 AZIH01001793 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 803 727 - Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015513 AZIH01002312 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 806 881 + Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015620 AZIH01012114 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 809 884 + Ala GGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015621 AZIH01012135 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 829 903 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015487 AZIH01000462 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 854 778 - Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015531 AZIH01003222 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 861 936 + Thr CGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015520 AZIH01002610 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 862 787 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015622 AZIH01012170 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 893 983 + Ser GCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015532 AZIH01003368 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 906 981 + Thr CGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015506 AZIH01001793 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 912 836 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015624 AZIH01012344 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 932 855 - Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015514 AZIH01002312 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 941 1014 + Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015519 AZIH01002610 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 945 869 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015518 AZIH01002610 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1034 960 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015581 AZIH01006302 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1036 960 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015558 AZIH01004981 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1079 1153 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015517 AZIH01002610 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1130 1054 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015527 AZIH01003024 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1165 1241 + His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015583 AZIH01006502 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1188 1113 - Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015592 AZIH01008594 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1243 1168 - Phe GAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015516 AZIH01002338 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1286 1210 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015567 AZIH01005284 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1287 1363 + Ile GAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015580 AZIH01006302 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1333 1248 - Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015597 AZIH01009053 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1357 1281 - Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015568 AZIH01005284 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1372 1447 + Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015626 AZIH01012441 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1379 1454 + Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015577 AZIH01005635 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1452 1528 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015566 AZIH01005261 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1462 1537 + Val TAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015603 AZIH01010361 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1500 1573 + Phe GAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015582 AZIH01006451 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1541 1467 - Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015557 AZIH01004921 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1555 1480 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015504 AZIH01001434 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1614 1539 - Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015569 AZIH01005366 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1844 1755 - Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015564 AZIH01005141 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1914 1838 - Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015547 AZIH01004261 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 1921 1996 + Ala GGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015548 AZIH01004261 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2004 2079 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015563 AZIH01005141 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2015 1930 - Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015555 AZIH01004617 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2050 1975 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015544 AZIH01004102 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2156 2229 + Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015594 AZIH01008883 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2194 2118 - Ala TGC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015554 AZIH01004617 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2195 2120 - Lys TTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015512 AZIH01002105 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2300 2211 - Ser GGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015539 AZIH01003493 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2467 2391 - Pro CGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015496 AZIH01000898 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2471 2395 - Arg CCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015589 AZIH01007307 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2726 2802 + Pro CGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015578 AZIH01005972 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2831 2905 + Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015486 AZIH01000194 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 2969 2894 - Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015485 AZIH01000194 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3079 3004 - Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015588 AZIH01007191 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3178 3262 + Leu GAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015602 AZIH01010247 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3272 3186 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015526 AZIH01002957 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3636 3560 - Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015627 AZIH01012664 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3850 3774 - Arg ACG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015586 AZIH01007042 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 3890 3966 + Pro GGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015573 AZIH01005442 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 4011 3936 - Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015511 AZIH01002061 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 4526 4600 + Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015556 AZIH01004911 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 4534 4458 - Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015595 AZIH01008938 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 4548 4473 - Phe GAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015521 AZIH01002863 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 4672 4748 + Arg CCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015587 AZIH01007064 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 5388 5463 + Thr TGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015546 AZIH01004184 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 6100 6027 - Gly CCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015549 AZIH01004272 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 6880 6805 - Gln TTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015607 AZIH01011066 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 7105 7181 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015579 AZIH01006159 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 7454 7379 - Trp CCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015523 AZIH01002890 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 7505 7580 + Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015505 AZIH01001459 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 7620 7709 + Ser GCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015572 AZIH01005442 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 7658 7733 + Glu TTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015545 AZIH01004157 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 8920 8844 - Val GAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015525 AZIH01002956 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 9061 9137 + Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015608 AZIH01011094 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 9534 9610 + Pro TGG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015609 AZIH01011094 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 9635 9711 + Arg TCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015610 AZIH01011094 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 9742 9817 + His GTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015522 AZIH01002889 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 9857 9932 + Asn GTT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015543 AZIH01003849 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 11045 11135 + Ser TGA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015584 AZIH01006525 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 11957 12033 + Arg CCT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015570 AZIH01005380 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 12673 12748 + Val TAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015535 AZIH01003474 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 12687 12762 + Val TAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015571 AZIH01005380 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 12785 12861 + Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015536 AZIH01003474 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 12830 12906 + Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015537 AZIH01003474 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 12915 12990 + Val TAC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015605 AZIH01010668 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 14988 15063 + Phe GAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015538 AZIH01003474 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 16205 16281 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015611 AZIH01011094 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 16569 16645 + Asp GTC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015534 AZIH01003443 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 17469 17545 + Arg CCG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015484 AZIH01000062 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 18521 18597 + Met CAT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015574 AZIH01005443 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 23581 23495 - Leu CAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015533 AZIH01003369 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 25581 25508 - Gly CCC [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015503 AZIH01001422 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 51523 51437 - Leu TAA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015502 AZIH01001422 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 51744 51671 - Cys GCA [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170015501 AZIH01001422 [AZIH] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-ANC(UA) from oil contaminated site at the Ancona Port 51872 51797 - Gly GCC [ENA] ¢þ
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