tRNA gene List

Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153)

HIT: 18 sequence(s).

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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
>SRA1001461 SRR001065.21347 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 100 11 - Ser TGA [SRA]
>SRA1001462 SRR001065.23215 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 36 111 + Glu TTC [SRA]
>SRA1001463 SRR001065.23439 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 2 77 + Ala TGC [SRA]
>SRA1001464 SRR001065.33754 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 30 106 + Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1001465 SRR001065.36036 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 1 85 + Leu CAA [SRA]
>SRA1001466 SRR001065.37174 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 94 19 - Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1001458 SRR001065.3841 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 73 -1 - Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001459 SRR001065.4030 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 77 2 - Ala TGC [SRA]
>SRA1001467 SRR001065.41075 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 100 25 - Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1001468 SRR001065.41449 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 12 103 + Ser GGA [SRA]
>SRA1001469 SRR001065.42115 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 105 17 - Ser TGA [SRA]
>SRA1001470 SRR001065.42691 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 88 13 - Phe GAA [SRA]
>SRA1001471 SRR001065.44226 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 12 103 + Ser GGA [SRA]
>SRA1001472 SRR001065.46377 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 99 24 - Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1001473 SRR001065.50433 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 1 74 + Gln TTG [SRA]
>SRA1001474 SRR001065.50596 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 39 111 + Ala CGC [SRA]
>SRA1001475 SRR001065.51675 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 4 78 + Val CAC [SRA]
>SRA1001460 SRR001065.9928 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish showed no sign of disease (SRP000153) 20 95 + Ala TGC [SRA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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