tRNA gene List

Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157)

HIT: 9 sequence(s).

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The reliable tRNA genes All candidate tRNA genes
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
>SRA1001538 SRR001069.15445 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 78 2 - Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001539 SRR001069.19748 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 35 111 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001540 SRR001069.21524 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 78 2 - Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001541 SRR001069.24558 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 57 135 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001542 SRR001069.29426 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 3 79 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001543 SRR001069.33458 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 39 115 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001544 SRR001069.36260 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 27 106 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001545 SRR001069.44800 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 22 98 + Pro TGG [SRA]
>SRA1001537 SRR001069.9322 Tilapia Farm, viral community isolated from the gut contents of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA; fish showed no sign of disease) (SRP000157) 104 28 - Pro TGG [SRA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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