tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.244227 (34 seq.)
>W1710865173 LMGL01000003 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root166 [LMGL] 214089 214164 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1710865593 LMGU01000001 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root61 [LMGU] 1385695 1385620 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1710866724 LMHS01000001 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root180 [LMHS] 535528 535603 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1710874126 LMNI01000011 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Leaf288 [LMNI] 648576 648651 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W141243157 CAJF01000028 Actinomycetota Microbacterium yannicii PS01 [CAJF] 37415 37488 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV183725774 PJQF01014873 [PJQF] biofilm metagenome; biomolecule (vanillin) treated reverse osmosis membrane biofilm 300 375 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170191455 CEPD01021616 [CEPD] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_064_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 766 693 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170231150 CEQH01127746 [CEQH] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_076_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 5910 5837 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170233911 CEQJ01076513 [CEQJ] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_076_SRF_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 371 444 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170252809 CEQU01030927 [CEQU] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_076_DCM_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 53602 53675 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170369941 CETR01048721 [CETR] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_112_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 574 501 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170373070 CETS01160309 [CETS] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_122_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 995 922 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170435489 CEUS01476555 [CEUS] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_125_MIX_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 467 540 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170476428 CEVI01109725 [CEVI] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_142_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 378 305 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170479156 CEVK01189680 [CEVK] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_149_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 594 521 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170483323 CEVM01111000 [CEVM] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_145_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 378 305 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>WENV170487792 CEVO01093045 [CEVO] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_152_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 300 227 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>C191056065 CP027942 Actinomycetota Agrococcus sp. SGAir0287 [CP027942] 708370 708445 + Thr CGT -
>C191073224 CP031015 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. ABRD28 [CP031015] 2765503 2765428 - Thr CGT -
>C191074896 CP031423 Actinomycetota Microbacterium lemovicicum Viu22 [CP031423] 2431249 2431176 - Thr CGT -
>C191122364 CP034245 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. 10M-3C3 [CP034245] 1126804 1126879 + Thr CGT -
>C191158816 CP038266 Actinomycetota Microbacterium wangchenii dk512 [CP038266] 2768643 2768568 - Thr CGT -
>W1910225160 FMSE01000005 Actinomycetota Microbacteriaceae bacterium Alg239_V181 [FMSE] 78450 78523 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1910550355 FZQV01000019 Actinomycetota Ruaniaceae bacterium KH17 [FZQV] 12005 12078 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1911535361 OLMV01000008 Actinomycetota Microbacterium timonense Marseille-P5731 [OLMV] 72226 72153 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1810586220 QFFE01000006 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. KCTC 39802 [QFFE] 34041 34116 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1810861612 QTTZ01000001 Actinomycetota Microbacterium trichothecenolyticum ZKA46 [QTTZ] 4168403 4168476 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1511432646 JUGQ01000004 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. CF335 [JUGQ] 166589 166664 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1511528929 JYIZ01000042 Actinomycetota Microbacterium terrae DSM 12510 [JYIZ] 84307 84232 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1511528977 JYJA01000032 Actinomycetota Microbacterium trichothecenolyticum DSM 8608 [JYJA] 27482 27555 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1610727519 LMGL01000003 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root166 [LMGL] 214089 214164 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1610727939 LMGU01000001 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root61 [LMGU] 1385695 1385620 - Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1610729070 LMHS01000001 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Root180 [LMHS] 535528 535603 + Thr CGT [ENA]
>W1610736472 LMNI01000011 Actinomycetota Microbacterium sp. Leaf288 [LMNI] 648576 648651 + Thr CGT [ENA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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