tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.340146 (21 seq.)
>W1711434397 MIMZ01000006 Bacillota [Butyribacterium] methylotrophicum [MIMZ] 514399 514325 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>C171101819 CP019962 Bacillota Eubacterium limosum ATCC 8486 [CP019962] 354163 354089 - Gln CTG - ¡û
>WENV180176704 OAWD01000676 [OAWD] human gut metagenome; faeces 3485 3559 + Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV180498392 OCAG01000114 [OCAG] human gut metagenome; faeces 70184 70110 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV180504553 OCAN01006923 [OCAN] human gut metagenome; faeces 812 738 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV180508307 OCAT01080273 [OCAT] human gut metagenome; faeces 189 115 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV181346301 OFML01010398 [OFML] human gut metagenome; human gut 1571 1645 + Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV182403068 OIET01000648 [OIET] human gut metagenome; human gut 21094 21020 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV182405119 OIEV01000827 [OIEV] human gut metagenome; human gut 5522 5596 + Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV182836569 OKFX01007845 [OKFX] human gut metagenome; human gut 650 576 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV182861684 OKPF01006373 [OKPF] human gut metagenome; human gut 196 122 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¢þ
>C191064405 CP029487 Bacillota Eubacterium maltosivorans YI [CP029487] 3176137 3176211 + Gln CTG - ¡û
>C191219519 LR215983 Bacillota Eubacterium limosum [LR215983] 4503343 4503417 + Gln CTG - ¡û
>W1810609727 QGUD01000001 Bacillota Eubacterium limosum 8486cho [QGUD] 628775 628701 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>W1810871747 QUDF01000019 Bacillota Eubacterium sp. AM05-23 [QUDF] 53028 52954 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>C11108798 CP002273 Bacillota Eubacterium callanderi KIST612 [CP002273] 429788 429862 + Gln CTG [Ensembl] ¡û
>W1511480144 JWIS01000002 Bacillota Eubacterium limosum ATCC 8480 [JWIS] 343628 343554 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>C161037792 CP011914 Bacillota Eubacterium limosum SA11 [CP011914] 3786268 3786194 - Gln CTG [Ensembl] ¡û
>W1710525057 FNJF01000036 Bacillota Eubacterium maltosivorans limosum [FNJF] 13275 13201 - Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>W1710571949 FOWI01000001 Bacillota Eubacterium callanderi [FOWI] 174247 174321 + Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
>W1710591289 FRBP01000005 Bacillota Eubacterium callanderi [FRBP] 31211 31285 + Gln CTG [ENA] ¡û
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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