Identical Sequence Group (SRA vs Prokaryote genome) [ 95% (3-nt difference) ]

Reliable assignment Tentative assignment
Community Structure of Bacteria and Archaea in the Arctic Ocean in Summer and Winter (SRP001208)
Abditibacteriota 0
Acidithiobacillia 0
Acidobacteria 0
Acidobacteriota 0
Actinobacteria 0
Actinomycetota 0
Alphaproteobacteria 0
Aquificota 0
Armatimonadota 0
Atribacterota 0
Bacillota 0
Bacteroidota 0
Balneolota 0
Bdellovibrionota 0
Betaproteobacteria 0
Caldisericota 0
Calditrichota 0
Campylobacterota 0
Chlamydiota 0
Chlorobiota 0
Chloroflexi 0
Chloroflexota 0
Chrysiogenota 0
Coprothermobacterota 0
Cyanobacteriota 0
Deferribacterota 0
Deinococcota 0
Deltaproteobacteria 0
Dictyoglomota 0
Elusimicrobiota 0
Epsilonproteobacteria 0
Euryarchaeota 0
Fibrobacterota 0
Firmicutes 0
Fusobacteriota 0
Gammaproteobacteria 0
Gemmatimonadota 0
Hydrogenophilia 0
Ignavibacteriota 0
Kiritimatiellota 0
Lentisphaerota 0
Mycoplasmatota 0
Myxococcota 0
Nanoarchaeota 0
Nitrososphaerota 0
Nitrospinota 0
Nitrospirota 0
Planctomycetota 0
Rhodothermota 0
Spirochaetota 0
Synergistota 0
Thermodesulfobacteriota 0
Thermodesulfobiota 0
Thermomicrobiota 0
Thermoproteota 0
Thermotogota 0
Unclassified 0
Uroviricota 0
Verrucomicrobiota 0
Zetaproteobacteria 0