tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.255013 (35 seq.)
>W1710932119 LOHZ01000022 Bacillota Thermovenabulum gondwanense [LOHZ] 208373 208448 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W131167582 ARDJ01000022 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter indiensis BSB-33 [ARDJ] 138855 138780 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>C025840 AE008691 Bacillota Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. tengcongensis MB4 [AE008691] 2193158 2193083 - Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>W141092585 AVAF01000051 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter sp. A7A [AVAF] 12520 12595 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>WENV181226089 OFDK01000030 [OFDK] hot springs metagenome; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA 52255 52330 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV181226250 OFDK01000377 [OFDK] hot springs metagenome; Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA 9376 9451 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV181404217 OGBZ01004434 [OGBZ] sediment metagenome; hot spring sediment 725 800 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>W141153141 AXDC01000042 Bacillota Caldanaerobacter subterraneus subsp. yonseiensis KB-1 [AXDC] 23864 23789 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>C08011034 CP000924 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter pseudethanolicus ATCC 33223 ATCC 33223; 39E [CP000924] 401638 401713 + Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>WENV170562269 CZCB01001702 [CZCB] anaerobic digester metagenome; anaerobic digester 56226 56301 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170675668 LDZP01000193 [LDZP] terrestrial metagenome; oil reservoir sample I1 487 412 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170676009 LDZR01000003 [LDZR] terrestrial metagenome; oil reservoir sample K2 6128 6053 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170676246 LDZR01001850 [LDZR] terrestrial metagenome; oil reservoir sample K2 14500 14575 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170676661 LDZS01001797 [LDZS] terrestrial metagenome; oil reservoir sample K3 1260 1335 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¢þ
>W09134142 ACQZ01000025 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter brockii subsp. finnii Ako-1 [ACQZ] 346 271 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>C191108118 CP033580 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW 200 [CP033580] 2782446 2782371 - Thr GGT - ¡û
>C151045312 CP009170 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter kivui DSM 2030; LKT-1 [CP009170] 1982116 1982041 - Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>W10105952 ACXY01000030 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus CCSD1 [ACXY] 30374 30449 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>C10113543 CP002131 Bacillota Thermosediminibacter oceani DSM 16646 [CP002131] 2115212 2115137 - Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>W11108275 ACXY01000030 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus CCSD1 [ACXY] 30374 30449 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1511275105 JOOI01000002 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter sp. YS13 [JOOI] 876241 876316 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>C11122461 CP002466 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter brockii subsp. finnii Ako-1 [CP002466] 397054 397129 + Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>C11123247 CP002991 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii Rt8.B1 [CP002991] 2312133 2312058 - Thr GGT [Ensembl] ¡û
>W11152684 AEYS01000023 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW 200 [AEYS] 484 409 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W121068089 AJUD01000007 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus SR4 [AJUD] 1195 1120 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1610612300 LGEO01000030 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae [LGEO] 487 412 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1610612648 LGEY01000042 Bacillota Caldanaerobacter subterraneus [LGEY] 14500 14575 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1610613119 LGFL01000022 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacterales bacterium 50_218 [LGFL] 1260 1335 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1610789588 LOHZ01000022 Bacillota Thermovenabulum gondwanense [LOHZ] 208373 208448 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710515341 FNBS01000071 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus [FNBS] 13058 13133 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710560393 FONI01000064 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus [FONI] 630 555 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710583320 FQUR01000014 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter uzonensis DSM 18761 [FQUR] 628 553 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710733806 LGEO01000030 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae [LGEO] 487 412 - Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710733969 LGEY01000042 Bacillota Caldanaerobacter subterraneus [LGEY] 14500 14575 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
>W1710734326 LGFL01000022 Bacillota Thermoanaerobacterales bacterium 50_218 [LGFL] 1260 1335 + Thr GGT [ENA] ¡û
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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