tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

Line Islands Corals, viral fraction from water of Palmyra (SRP000141)

Anticodon = TAG

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.102314 (9 seq.)
>WENV183701450 PDMX01047487 [PDMX] marine metagenome; viruses from water sample; < 0.22 micron filtered, nuclease treated 76 158 + Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>ENV08000920 ABML01165184 Marine metagenome ; viral fraction from water below the boundary layer (eg, crevices and benthic surfaces) of Palmyra (Northern Line Islands) 104 19 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¡û
>WENV170269045 CERH01029508 [CERH] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_072_MES_0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 110 25 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170277158 CERP01015819 [CERP] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_067_SRF_0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 4898 4983 + Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170332915 CESX01088891 [CESX] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_109_DCM_0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 618 533 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170345868 CETF01104437 [CETF] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_109_SRF_0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 550 465 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170424376 CEUO01106134 [CEUO] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_124_MIX_0.1-0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 342 427 + Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>WENV170458371 CEVB01072414 [CEVB] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_124_SRF_0.1-0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 304 219 - Leu TAG [ENA] ¢þ
>SRA1000938 SRR001049.215380 Line Islands Corals, viral fraction from water of Palmyra (SRP000141) 104 19 - Leu TAG [SRA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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