tRNA genes clustered and arranged according to each identical group

HIT: 1 Group(s).
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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
Identical group No.48382 (121 seq.)
>W131109061 APHJ01000025 Bacteroidota Gillisia sp. CAL575 [APHJ] 125046 125131 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W131233839 AUKH01000005 Bacteroidota Gillisia sp. JM1 [AUKH] 452001 451914 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1712070422 NGNR01000002 Bacteroidota Robiginitalea sediminis O458 [NGNR] 354893 354980 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W131066932 ANPJ01000009 Bacteroidota Dokdonia sp. PRO95 [ANPJ] 146102 146189 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W131236551 AUML01000035 Bacteroidota Aquimarina muelleri DSM 19832 [AUML] 28894 28979 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180105519 OAPD01082928 [OAPD] marine metagenome; 2010 453 368 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180109961 OAPL01017860 [OAPL] marine metagenome; ENVO:00002010 for 'seawater 299 214 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180114972 OAPS01085857 [OAPS] marine metagenome; sea water 329 244 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180366200 OBOC01183404 [OBOC] marine metagenome; ocean water 19 104 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180380348 OBOQ01033480 [OBOQ] marine metagenome; Fridge 319 234 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180383425 OBOU01080881 [OBOU] marine metagenome; ENV:00002010 304 389 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180586914 OCON01008020 [OCON] marine metagenome; seawater 852 767 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV180636734 OCRF01050108 [OCRF] marine metagenome; niskin bottle 381 296 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141079134 ATLG01000016 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga baltica 4 [ATLG] 18580 18495 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141079202 ATLI01000015 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga baltica 18 [ATLI] 155064 154979 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV181207710 OFAZ01018993 [OFAZ] metagenome; hydrothermal vent 97 184 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV182053991 OHEJ01010138 [OHEJ] human gut metagenome; feces 94 9 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV182100940 OHHT01008673 [OHHT] human gut metagenome; feces 1788 1873 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV182581236 OJGX01001230 [OJGX] seawater metagenome; Sea water 8767 8854 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV182586144 OJHJ01004213 [OJHJ] seawater metagenome; Sea water 1340 1255 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141274875 JACA01000026 Bacteroidota Aquimarina macrocephali JAMB N27 [JACA] 98119 98206 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141274893 JACB01000014 Bacteroidota Aquimarina megaterium XH134 [JACB] 58960 58873 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141276307 JADR01000001 Bacteroidota Olleya marilimosa CAM030 [JADR] 413982 413895 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183514364 OMKS01017320 [OMKS] sediment metagenome; hot spring sediment 1851 1936 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183699886 OZSS01063126 [OZSS] metagenome; Seawater sample 266 181 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183705020 PDWI01000895 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 45520 45605 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183706208 PDWI01003434 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 5725 5810 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183707196 PDWI01007249 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1192 1278 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183707853 PDWI01011094 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 11 96 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183708890 PDWI01021074 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 3200 3115 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183709514 PDWI01029251 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 6795 6883 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183710017 PDWI01038243 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 6071 6156 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183710046 PDWI01038692 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 11 96 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183710583 PDWI01049573 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 932 847 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183710639 PDWI01050615 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 3434 3349 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183711715 PDWI01078021 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 552 467 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183712301 PDWI01094985 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1618 1533 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183712407 PDWI01099081 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1474 1389 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183712856 PDWI01116431 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 2796 2711 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183713112 PDWI01124812 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 14 101 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183713568 PDWI01142973 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 612 697 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183713681 PDWI01148694 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1615 1530 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183714192 PDWI01173006 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1448 1363 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183714210 PDWI01173373 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 93 178 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183714710 PDWI01199141 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 268 353 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183715919 PDWI01273878 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1034 949 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183716092 PDWI01285972 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1099 1183 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183716117 PDWI01287618 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 1007 922 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183716260 PDWI01297574 [PDWI] oral metagenome; swab sample of gingival sulcus (mouth) from 29 year old lactating female Dolphin_Z 902 817 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183727591 PJTP01000027 [PJTP] soil metagenome; Soil (3) enriched on wood chips: alkali lignin treatment 86 -1 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183727638 PJTP01000054 [PJTP] soil metagenome; Soil (3) enriched on wood chips: alkali lignin treatment 86 -1 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183727724 PJTP01000103 [PJTP] soil metagenome; Soil (3) enriched on wood chips: alkali lignin treatment 73230 73145 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV183727791 PJTP01000368 [PJTP] soil metagenome; Soil (3) enriched on wood chips: alkali lignin treatment 6422 6337 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170015771 AZII01008327 [AZII] marine sediment metagenome; enrichment culture of sample MGS-BIZ(AMM) from oil contaminated site at the Bizerte 821 908 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170114206 CENF01159479 [CENF] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_004_DCM_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 167 252 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170115935 CENG01063992 [CENG] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_007_SRF_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 387 302 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170117556 CENJ01016973 [CENJ] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_009_SRF_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 303 218 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170127429 CENP01211757 [CENP] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_030_DCM_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 416 329 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170127656 CENP01229231 [CENP] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_030_DCM_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 3460 3545 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170157957 CEOJ01107587 [CEOJ] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_034_SRF_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 455 370 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170166461 CEOO01066134 [CEOO] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_036_SRF_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 168 253 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170207326 CEPU01069063 [CEPU] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_041_SRF_0.22-1.6 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 223 138 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170220940 CEPZ01206979 [CEPZ] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_039_MES_0.1-0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 224 309 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170265573 CERD01222735 [CERD] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_070_MES_0.45-0.8 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 1258 1343 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170265733 CERE01010039 [CERE] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_070_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 822 735 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170283797 CERU01112238 [CERU] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_065_DCM_0.22 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 2373 2288 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170298280 CESF01083472 [CESF] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_093_SRF_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 210535 210622 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170298862 CESF01306857 [CESF] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_093_SRF_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 89 2 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170317038 CESP01108170 [CESP] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_099_SRF_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 179 266 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170346547 CETG01049451 [CETG] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_122_DCM_0.45-0.8 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 976 1063 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170379760 CETV01211562 [CETV] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_133_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 293 378 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170535591 CEWP01079521 [CEWP] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_067_SRF_0.45-0.8 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 10835 10750 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170537576 CEWR01015369 [CEWR] marine metagenome genome assembly TARA_085_MES_0.22-3 ,contig; saline water (ENVO:00002010), including plankton (ENVO:xxxxxxxx) 189 102 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170608226 FUWD010904410 [FUWD] metagenome; unknown 17 104 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170688140 LFRM01229730 [LFRM] anaerobic digester metagenome; pool of bioreactors CSTR01a, CSTR02a, and CSTR03a; thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattle 916 831 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170690462 LFRM01342356 [LFRM] anaerobic digester metagenome; pool of bioreactors CSTR01a, CSTR02a, and CSTR03a; thermophilic anaerobic digestion of cattle 6 91 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170757490 LUMQ01002348 [LUMQ] marine metagenome; Red Sea water column Station 12 - depth 25m 4307 4394 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170782032 MAAC01006654 [MAAC] seawater metagenome; sample BD02T64 sea water enriched with oil for 64 days 18650 18737 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170782705 MAAC01011176 [MAAC] seawater metagenome; sample BD02T64 sea water enriched with oil for 64 days 192436 192523 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170783839 MAAC01019214 [MAAC] seawater metagenome; sample BD02T64 sea water enriched with oil for 64 days 290959 291046 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170830496 MDSZ01027949 [MDSZ] marine metagenome; seawater 5302 5217 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170831017 MDSZ01037147 [MDSZ] marine metagenome; seawater 2304 2389 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170842193 MDSZ01235691 [MDSZ] marine metagenome; seawater 4549 4636 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170877143 MDTC01052518 [MDTC] marine metagenome; seawater 1090 1177 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV170958496 MKWU01001190 [MKWU] sponge metagenome; 24092 24177 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>C181161958 CP028136 Bacteroidota Christiangramia fulva SH35 [CP028136] 12482 12397 - Ser TGA -
>C181175211 CP029151 Bacteroidota Dokdonia sp. Dokd-P16 [CP029151] 33618 33533 - Ser TGA -
>C191083485 CP031964 Bacteroidota Flavobacteriaceae bacterium AU392 [CP031964] 1729724 1729639 - Ser TGA -
>W141563309 JHZX01000001 Bacteroidota Sediminibacter sp. Hel_I_10 [JHZX] 219231 219316 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W141818615 JQLP01000005 Bacteroidota Gillisia sp. Hel_I_29 [JQLP] 1266388 1266475 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1910693668 MDGO01000013 Bacteroidota Gaetbulibacter sp. 5U11 [MDGO] 723677 723762 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911190723 NQXA01000011 Bacteroidota Leeuwenhoekiella nanhaiensis G18 [NQXA] 122600 122685 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911535365 OMKA01000003 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. Aq78 [OMKA] 38214 38299 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911535425 OMKB01000014 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. Aq349 [OMKB] 649374 649289 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911535545 OMKF01000021 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. Aq78 [OMKF] 38148 38233 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911538854 OMPD01000014 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. AU58 [OMPD] 2145286 2145201 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1911538927 OMPF01000016 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. AU119 [OMPF] 1403 1488 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1810172974 PJMS01000001 Bacteroidota Aquimarina sp. MAR_2010_214 MAR_2010_214 Mar_2010_214 [PJMS] 3014464 3014379 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>SRA1013020 SRR020494.76108 Microbial community gene content and expression in the Central North Pacific Gyre, Station ALOHA, HOT186 (SRP001041) 15 102 + Ser TGA [SRA]
>SRA1021069 SRR035083.205049 454 Sequencing (SRP001804) 24 109 + Ser TGA [SRA]
>C151061207 CP009887 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga baltica NN016038 [CP009887] 3402172 3402087 - Ser TGA [Ensembl]
>C151062882 CP009976 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga baltica 18 [CP009976] 3429331 3429246 - Ser TGA [Ensembl]
>W1510012885 BBNQ01000003 Bacteroidota Algibacter lectus JCM 19300 [BBNQ] 38766 38679 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1510013019 BBNU01000010 Bacteroidota Algibacter lectus JCM 19274 [BBNU] 139944 139857 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>C11104724 CP002453 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga algicola DSM 14237 [CP002453] 4140008 4139923 - Ser TGA [Ensembl]
>C11111612 CP002528 Bacteroidota Dokdonia sp. 4H-3-7-5 [CP002528] 2608123 2608210 + Ser TGA [Ensembl]
>W1511320927 JQCT01000011 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga sp. E6(2014) E6[2014] [JQCT] 15759 15674 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1511534162 JYNQ01000001 Bacteroidota Lacinutrix sp. Hel_I_90 Hel_I_90 Hel_I _90 [JYNQ] 250360 250273 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>C161105092 HG315671 Bacteroidota Formosa agariphila KMM 3901 type strain: KMM 3901 [HG315671] 2981702 2981615 - Ser TGA [Ensembl]
>W121031934 AHHE02000040 Bacteroidota Aquimarina agarilytica ZC1 [AHHE] 11727 11640 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W121063899 AJLT01000087 Bacteroidota Gillisia marina CBA3202 [AJLT] 1312 1399 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1610506859 FLRG01000010 Bacteroidota Aquimarina megaterium [FLRG] 131386 131299 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>WENV078344 AAGA01000308 Fossil microbial community from Whale Fall (the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf) 3106 3195 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710499077 FLRG01000010 Bacteroidota Aquimarina megaterium [FLRG] 131386 131299 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710514689 FNBD01000006 Bacteroidota Cellulophaga baltica [FNBD] 40490 40405 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710528640 FNNJ01000011 Bacteroidota Lutibacter oricola [FNNJ] 101068 100981 - Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710532550 FNQK01000013 Bacteroidota Bizionia paragorgiae [FNQK] 53586 53673 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710558017 FOLN01000001 Bacteroidota Algibacter lectus [FOLN] 26436 26523 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710559050 FOMI01000007 Bacteroidota Algibacter pectinivorans [FOMI] 40770 40857 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710575939 FOZP01000007 Bacteroidota Lutibacter maritimus [FOZP] 28459 28544 + Ser TGA [ENA]
>W1710587937 FQYY01000004 Bacteroidota Mesonia phycicola [FQYY] 234427 234514 + Ser TGA [ENA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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