tRNA gene List

Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156)

HIT: 18 sequence(s).

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Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
>SRA1001519 SRR001068.1122 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 18 93 + Ala TGC [SRA]
>SRA1001522 SRR001068.17562 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 99 26 - Gln TTG [SRA]
>SRA1001523 SRR001068.21207 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 24 100 + Pro GGG [SRA]
>SRA1001524 SRR001068.28172 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 13 90 + Arg TCT [SRA]
>SRA1001525 SRR001068.29962 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 17 90 + Lys TTT [SRA]
>SRA1001526 SRR001068.32545 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 24 98 + His GTG [SRA]
>SRA1001527 SRR001068.41741 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 71 -1 - Glu TTC [SRA]
>SRA1001528 SRR001068.46441 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 98 12 - Leu CAG [SRA]
>SRA1001529 SRR001068.49956 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 36 111 + Glu TTC [SRA]
>SRA1001530 SRR001068.54425 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 85 9 - Gly GCC [SRA]
>SRA1001520 SRR001068.6290 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 75 2 - Gly CCC [SRA]
>SRA1001531 SRR001068.63799 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 91 7 - Leu GAG [SRA]
>SRA1001532 SRR001068.68231 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 97 22 - Glu TTC [SRA]
>SRA1001533 SRR001068.76179 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 97 22 - His GTG [SRA]
>SRA1001521 SRR001068.7628 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 32 108 + Met CAT [SRA]
>SRA1001534 SRR001068.77862 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 82 6 - Ile GAT [SRA]
>SRA1001535 SRR001068.80884 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 19 107 + Leu TAG [SRA]
>SRA1001536 SRR001068.82407 Tilapia Farm, microbial fraction from slime layer of hybrid striped bass from Kent SeaTech (Salton Sea, CA); fish were sick at time of sampling (SRP000156) 83 8 - Ala TGC [SRA]
Sequence ID Genome ID
(or Accession No.)
(Sample source for ENV)
Species Start End Direction AA Anticodon Genome/Seq. Info. Decision
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